Drop the words Red Bluff in any conversation and be sure to have every surfers attention! It is definitely one of the best surf spots in WA and unlike other spots can handle some serious swell. After being stuck in Coral Bay for almost 2 months I was really looking forward to get back into the water. Now why are we showing a wallaby instead of some stunning surf pics? Guess what, swell doesn't come at the push of a button, unfortunately.

Red Bluff is one of those epic surf spots you don't come along by accident. It is located about 1000km north of Perth. Once you get to Carnarvon, the closest town, it is another 120 km on dirt roads to get to the break. Taking all the hassle of getting there you might imagine what it felt like to see what the picture shows: No surf!

We stocked up on food and water in Carnarvon and were ready to spent some decent time in the middle of nowhere. Then having a look at the non existing break, we took a step back and checked in for one night to start with. Red Bluff offers a basic camp ground and a tiny store run by two families with 13 kids between them. It is a lovely place and during our stay for the most of the time we were the only guests.

In addition to no swell we were exposed to pretty strong winds. We set up camp close to the beach and due to the strong winds, struggled to get our sun tarp in place. We fought the winds for half an hour and went from a small tear in the tarp to a total write-off. Now that we had lost our only protection against the burning sun we decided to tuck away behind the common room.

From taking benefit of the so called Green Room for sun and wind shelter we soon went to a full occupation. There was no one else around so we thought we could as well take full advantage of this little room. Once we went for a swim, set up camp, prepared something to eat and made a coffee, a little recovery from the shock of no swell set in. Maybe the shock was more on my side. Anita seemed to be far more relaxed since the wave conditions and forecast set a new light to her fear of being stuck in remote Red Bluff.

The next morning we went for a little bodyboard session in the shore break and discussed our situation while having breakfast. We agreed on staying another two nights. Although the swell forecast was not looking much better the stunning beach and close Ningaloo Reef finally caught our attention. It looked like there was heaps to discover.

If Red Bluff was a woman, you would definitely want to marry her straight away. A stunning scenery, crystal clear green water and a world class break. What else could you ask for? We all know that everything has its downside. A marriage to Red Bluff would leave you with no fresh water, no mobile reception and the closest small town being 120km away. If you can live with that, I can hear the wedding bells ringing.

I guess during our 4 days on this epic spot we had far more contact to animals than to humans. We were constantly visited by wallabies and nothing was save from them. Even the Green Room was no place of secureness when it came down to this sneaky hoppers. Coming back from some excursion Anita caught them red-handed throwing around our stuff looking for something to eat.

Even for a surfer by heart it is impossible not to fall in love with the surrounding. I first thought this must be some sort of punishment, being stuck in Red Bluff with no waves, but than I accepted my fate and made the best of it. Not that hard of a task having a look around.

Our time in Red Bluff went by way to quick. We developed a little routine. First thing in the morning we would go for a bodyboard session on the beach, have a good and relaxed breakfast and spent more or less of the rest of the day fishing and discovering. Unfortunately we only caught one fish that was to big and snapped the line. I think a tinny would be a game changer.

Like this wallaby it was soon time for us to beat loose. Red Bluff had taken us into its ban and we would not have minded staying longer. It turned out 4 days was about the perfect timing for us. Just enough time to relax and enjoy the place without getting tired of it.

Speaking of getting bored, there is one thing we missed out on after all: Surfing. We did not get a chance to surf a single wave but many times got a small glimpse of what it could be like when this spot is on fire. And one thing is for sure: Be it in the water or outside, when this break is on you are not going to get bored!