Beyond our page

Feuerlauf Seminare

We are pleased to see our firewalk video on the website, showing the cultural background of this amazing ritual. / Oct 2019

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Sharing our pictures of Angela Maxwell with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Anything that will help to support Angelas project She Walks The Earth is a pleasure to us. / Aug 2018


Our pictures of the Green Canyon in West Java made it on the WOWSHACK website. Pleasure talking to you. / May 2017

Fundraising Echo

Read Jana Fiedlers' interview with us for the SAZ / Fundraising Echo. It's been a pleasure talking to you! / Nov 2015

HR-Info Reiselust

You might have heard our radio interview on the Reiselust show of HR-Info. It was a great experience to be back in the studio, thanks for that HR! / Oct 2015

TOP 100

Bob Around the World rated more than 2100 travel blogs and YKUT made it into the TOP 100. We are honored! / July 2015


The Earth Touch News Network added our Cute Cuter Honey Possum Video to their collection.. Thanks for sharing! / May 2015

Ameba News

Looks like we are getting more and more popular in Japan. Unfortunately we still can't read a single word but I love this article just from its look. / Apr 2015

Pfaelzischer Merkur

We often get message from friends back home in Germany saying that they read about us. This time we got a note from an old friend of Anita. He is the director of the Pfaelzischer Merkur and surprised us with an article in his newspaper. / Apr 2015

Kirei Style

Another article in a language we can not read. We can only hope that Kirei Style is in good terms with us. Drop us a line if you know more. / Apr 2015

My Lohas

Sometimes we find ourselves represented on websites like this one. We have no idea what they are about, what they write about us and how they found out about us in the first place. Still funny though. / Apr 2015

Travel Book

For this article we were asked to throw in some extra pictures and I think it really paid off. Thank you Travelbook crew, we love it. / Mar 2015

Puls Bayerischer Rundfunk

Hi Nina, you could probably tell we are not used to Skype interviews yet. Next time our answers will be straight forward, promised. Anyway, we love your piece of work and appreciate the effort. Especially being in one article with our friend Angela. / Mar 2015

Die Welt

This is a very special moment to Anita. Knowing the high standards of Die Welt publications she never thought to be mentioned here. It's only a short article but one that made us smile. / Mar 2015

Youkeepustraveling in der Thueringer Allgemeine Zeitung

Thueringer Allgemeine

Hello Thueringen! We love your sausages and now we love your newspaper. Thanks for running an article on us, we appreciate. / Mar 2015

Youkeepustraveling N24 News Nachrichten

N24 Nachrichten

Tell me one person that not got hooked on one of your documentaries running all night! Thanks to you, people can now get hooked on news about us. / Mar 2015

Focus Online

Trying to keep up to date with the news at home we read a lot at Focus Online. It was funny to come across this article about ourselves without knowing it had been published. / Mar 2015

Stern Online

This publication was found by a friend of ours who posted it on our Facebook wall. We like the Stern Magazine and it would have been sad to not know they wrote about us. / Mar 2015

Volksfreund Online

Another article about us. We never heard of, but it seems to be a nice website with good articles. / Mar 2015

Radio FFH

A small but nice notice about our project on the website of Germany's famous radio station FFH. Next time we make it into the studio! / Mar 2015

Restkultur Magazin

One more thing for our german fellows: From now on you can find frequent letters from us on the Restkultur Magazin / Okt 2014

Hessischer Rundfunk

hr-iNFO-Radio invited us for a 30 minute talk with anchorwoman Mariela Milkowa. It's been an honor and a great experience! / May 2014

Wiesbadener Kurier

Eva Bender from the newspaper Wiesbadener-Kurier was keen to do an article on us. Thanks and see you soon. / May 2014

Weltenbummler Mag

Anita wrote a guest article for the german travel blog Weltenbummlermag. It's about the Karo-Batak in Sumatra but read yourself. / May 2014


Anitas research book on female genital mutilation in Togo, Africa. A german hardcopy is available at amazon. / Feb 2012

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